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Google - Cloud Vision

Use the OCR features offered by Google easily through the BotCity plugin for Google Cloud Vision.


pip install botcity-cloudvision-plugin

Importing the Plugin

After you installed this package, the next step is to import the package into your code and start using the functions.

from botcity.plugins.cloudvision import BotCloudVisionPlugin

As a demonstration of the library, let's build a simple example together that will parse the text from the following image:

Click here to Download

Instantiating the Plugin

To make the example we will instantiate the plugin and setup our Google Cloud Vision service account key. If you don't have one yet, access this section to create one and remember to activate billing as shown in this step.

# Instantiate the plugin
cloudvision = BotCloudVisionPlugin()
# Setup the path to the service account key credentials JSON file

Reading text from the image

Now let's read the text from the image.

# Read the text from the image"otter_crossing.jpg")

# Print the text from the image

The output should look like this:

Otters crossing
for next 6 miles

Complete code

Let's take a look into the complete code:

# Instantiate the plugin
cloudvision = BotCloudVisionPlugin()
# Setup the path to the service account key credentials JSON file
# Read the text from the image"otter_crossing.jpg")

# Print the text from the image


This plugin allow you to use method chaining so the code above could be written as:

text = BotCloudVisionPlugin() \
    .credentials("<path_to_my>/credentials.json") \
    .read("otter_crossing.jpg") \
# Print the text from the image