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The Organization page is an area dedicated to users with a workspace administrator function where it is possible to have overall control of all users, groups, and repositories. Get detailed information about accounts and plans to which workspace is inserted, as well as access to the Audit menu where you can monitor all actions and events performed by users.

In addition, this page allows you to configure the workspace preferences. Also, it has the option to delete active workspace definitely, so it only allows this action to be performed by a user with the privileges of Administrator. Please look at the detailed information from the page Organization in the following items of this documentation.


You can also access the Organization through Maestro's top left menu, represented by the icon: Maestro Menu.

Just access the Organization option from the BotCity Plataform menu.


You can also access the Organization page through Maestro's top right menu, Where is your username and function in the workspace, as in the image below:

Organization Menu

Just click and access the Organization option.