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task create

This command creates a new task in the server.

./BotCLI task create [arguments]

What are the arguments?

Argument Required Description
-activityLabel Yes The label of the automation for which to create a new task.
-test No Marks the task to be created as a development test task which can be restarted.
-params No The parameters for the task in JSON format


Create a new task for the automation with label DemoJava:

./BotCLI task create -activityLabel "DemoJava"

Create a new task for the automation with label DemoPython and mark it as a test task:

./BotCLI task create -activityLabel "DemoPython" -test

Create a new task for the activity with label CheckSupplier with the following supplier unique identifier as parameter:

./BotCLI task create -activityLabel "CheckSupplier" -params '{\"supplierID\": \"123\", \"supplierName\": \"Test\"}'