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Users and Groups

Add new users, assign roles and permissions, and link them to groups.

All users

Inviting new users

You can easily invite new users to be part of your BotCity Maestro workspace.

To invite a new user, click the Invite user button and fill in the required fields.

Here is an example of a form to invite a user:

New users


  • Role: is the role of this user, being able to choose Administrator, Operator or Developer. See more details about the features available for each role in the table below.
  • Full Name: the full name of the user to be invited.
  • E-mail: the email of the user to be invited.

After filling in the data, click the Send Invite and the new user will be invited to access this workspace, receiving in the registered email a temporary password that can be changed after the first access to BotCity Maestro.

User roles

As of now, the Maestro Orchestrator supports the following roles:

Role Administrator Developer Operator
Task Queue
New Task
Easy Deploy
Alerts View Only
Errors View Only
Execution Log View Only
Result files View Only
Runners View Only
Automations View Only
Bots View Only
Download Studio
Dev. Environment
Runner Setup

Deleting users

To delete a user, click the icon three points, select the Delete option and then confirm the action.

Delete pop up

Deleting users in bulk

BotCity Maestro also has the feature of deleting multiple users in just one action. Through the Bulk Actions button, it is possible to access the option:

  • Delete in bulk: where you will be asked to select the users to be deleted.

Editing users

To edit a user, just click on the icon three points and select the Edit option to access the page below:

Edit page


In the Information tab, you can view a user's data and also edit their full name, Slack ID, and default language.


To change your user's access password on BotCity Maestro, go to your user information through the Profile menu in the upper right corner.

User profile


You can configure a user to receive notifications based on BotCity Maestro events. BotCity Maestro can send emails (default) and Slack and Microsoft Teams messages for each enabled notification.

Here are the available events:

Image notifications

  • All: all events defined below.
  • Task completion: fired when a task is finished independent of the finish status.
  • New result file: fired when a new result file is uploaded to BotCity Maestro.
  • New bot release: fired when a new release version of a bot is configured.
  • New error event: fired when an error is reported to BotCity Maestro.
  • Runner Offline: fired when a Runner goes offline.

Each user or administrator can choose whether or not to receive each of the available notifications.


Configure your integration with Slack and Teams using the Integrations Page.

User groups

In the Groups tab, the workspace administrators can manage and view the groups a user has access to.

Image list groups

To add a user to a group, click the iconthree points from a user and select the Add to group option, select the groups you want to that user, and press the Add to groups to confirm the action.

Add group form

Adding users in bulk

BotCity Maestro also has the feature of adding multiple users to a specific group. Through the Bulk Actions button, it is possible to access the option:

  • Add to group: where you will be asked to select users to be added to a group, and subsequently, the group to which the users should be added is requested.


A user group can be considered a set of users with specific privileges to access and operate entities in BotCity Maestro.

In BotCity Maestro, user groups can be created, enabling the management and direction of resources to a specific team, sector, or area of your organization.

In this way, each group will have access only to the resources that relate to their area, bringing more organization and productivity to the teams and RPA flows.

All groups


Every workspace created in BotCity Maestro will have a default group with the GLOBAL identifier.

This group cannot be edited or deleted. If new groups are not created in the workspace, all users will be directed to this default group.

Creating a user group on BotCity Maestro

To create a group in BotCity Maestro, click New group and fill out the form below:

Groups form

By confirming the action by clicking Create group, a new group will be created and added to the group list of this workspace.

Group information

Accessing the option Information through the icon three points from a specific group, you can get detailed information from the group, edit the group in question, add users to this group and also delete it:

Information groups

Adding a user to a group

On the screen containing the group information, we can add new users to this group by clicking Add user to group.

Once this is done, select all the users who will have access to the resources linked to this group.

Add to group