Getting Started¶
If you are just starting with BotCity or want to get a general idea of how processed items can be reported in the process code, simply follow the guide below:
Using the Maestro SDK to report data¶
You can easily report information about the processed items using the Maestro SDK in your automation code.
SDK Installation¶
If you haven't installed the dependency yet, simply follow these instructions:
Besides installing, remember to include the dependency in the robot's requirements.txt
<!-- Your other dependencies -->
Importing the SDK¶
After installation, simply import the dependency and instantiate the Maestro SDK:
# Importing the Maestro SDK dependency
from botcity.maestro import *
# Disabling errors if there is no connection with Maestro
# Instantiating the Maestro SDK
maestro = BotMaestroSDK.from_sys_args()
# Getting the details of the current task being executed
execution = maestro.get_execution()
// Import for integration with BotCity Maestro SDK
using Dev.BotCity;
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.Execution;
// Instantiating the Maestro SDK
BotMaestroSDK maestro = BotMaestroSDK.FromSysArgs();
// Fetching the details of the current task being executed
Execution execution = await maestro.GetExecutionAsync(maestro.GetTaskId());
Reporting process data¶
At the end of the execution, you can report information about the processed items when finishing the task.
Complete code¶
from botcity.core import DesktopBot
from botcity.maestro import *
# Disabling errors if there is no connection with Maestro
def main():
maestro = BotMaestroSDK.from_sys_args()
execution = maestro.get_execution()
# Implementing here the logic to process the items
bot = DesktopBot()
# The items can be any entity related to your automation process
items = []
processed_items = 0
failed_items = 0
# You can use the logic that is necessary to consume, process, and count the items
for item in items:
# Process the item...
# Counting as an item processed successfully
except Exception:
# Counting as an item processed with failure
# At the end, simply report the data of the processed items when finishing the task
message="Task Finished OK.",
total_items=len(items), # Total number of items processed
processed_items=processed_items, # Number of items processed successfully
failed_items=failed_items # Number of items processed with failure
def not_found(label):
print(f"Element not found: {label}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.BotExecutor;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.BotMaestroSDK;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.model.AutomationTask.FinishStatus;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.runner.BotExecution;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.runner.RunnableAgent;
public class FirstBot extends DesktopBot implements RunnableAgent
public FirstBot() {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
public void action(BotExecution botExecution) {
try {
BotMaestroSDK maestro = new BotMaestroSDK();
// The items can be any entity related to your automation process
List<Object> items = new ArrayList<Object>();
int processedItems = 0;
int failedItems = 0;
// You can use the logic that is necessary to consume, process, and count the items
for(Object item : items){
// Process the item...
// Counting as an item processed successfully
catch(Exception e){
// Counting as an item processed with failure
// At the end, simply report the data of the processed items when finishing the task
"Task Finished OK.",
items.size(), // Total number of items processed
processedItems, // Number of items processed successfully
failedItems // Number of items processed with failure
} catch(Exception e) {
private void notFound(String label) {
System.out.println("Element not found: "+label);
public static void main(String[] args) { FirstBot(), args);
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.AutomationTask;
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.Execution;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FirstBot
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
BotMaestroSDK maestro = BotMaestroSDK.FromSysArgs();
Execution execution = await maestro.GetExecutionAsync(maestro.GetTaskId());
Console.WriteLine("Task ID is: " + execution.TaskId);
Console.WriteLine("Task Parameters are: " + string.Join(", ", execution.Parameters));
// The items can be any entity related to your automation process
string[] items;
int processedItems = 0;
int failedItems = 0;
// You can use the logic that is necessary to consume, process, and count the items
foreach (string item in items)
try {
// Process the item...
// Counting as an item processed successfully
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Counting as an item processed with failure
// At the end, simply report the data of the processed items when finishing the task
await maestro.FinishTaskAsync(
"Task Finished OK.",
items.Length, // Total number of items processed
processedItems, // Number of items processed successfully
failedItems // Number of items processed with failure
It is not mandatory to use a specific code structure in your automation process.
You have complete freedom to define the logic that will be used and also the way the items will be counted.
In the end, simply report this data by using the finish_task
method of the Maestro SDK.