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Si estás empezando ahora con BotCity o quieres tener una idea general de cómo se pueden reportar los elementos procesados en el código del proceso, simplemente sigue la guía a continuación:

Utilizando el SDK de Maestro para reportar datos

Puedes reportar fácilmente la información sobre los elementos que han sido procesados utilizando el SDK de Maestro en el código de tu automatización.

Instalación del SDK

Si aún no tienes la dependencia instalada, simplemente sigue estas instrucciones:

pip install botcity-maestro-sdk


Además de instalarlo, recuerda incluir la dependencia en el archivo requirements.txt del robot.


    <!-- Your other dependencies -->
dotnet add package BotCity.Maestro.SDK

Importando el SDK

Después de la instalación, simplemente importa la dependencia e instancia el SDK de Maestro:

# Importing the Maestro SDK dependency
from botcity.maestro import *

# Disabling errors if there is no connection with Maestro

# Instantiating the Maestro SDK
maestro = BotMaestroSDK.from_sys_args()
# Getting the details of the current task being executed
execution = maestro.get_execution()
// Importing the Maestro SDK dependency
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.*;

public void action(BotExecution botExecution) {

    try {
        // Instantiating the Maestro SDK
        BotMaestroSDK maestro = new BotMaestroSDK();
// Import for integration with BotCity Maestro SDK
using Dev.BotCity;
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.Execution;

// Instantiating the Maestro SDK
BotMaestroSDK maestro = BotMaestroSDK.FromSysArgs();
// Fetching the details of the current task being executed
Execution execution = await maestro.GetExecutionAsync(maestro.GetTaskId());

Reportando los datos del proceso

Al final de la ejecución, es posible reportar en la finalización de la tarea la información sobre los elementos que han sido procesados.

    message="Task Finished OK.",
    total_items=100, # Total number of items processed
    processed_items=90 # Number of items processed successfully
    "Task Finished OK.",
    100, // Total number of items processed
    90, // Number of items processed successfully
    10 // Number of items processed with failure
await maestro.FinishTaskAsync(
    "Task Finished OK.",
    100, // Total number of items processed
    90, // Number of items processed successfully
    10 // Number of items processed with failure

Código completo

from botcity.core import DesktopBot
from botcity.maestro import *

# Disabling errors if there is no connection with Maestro

def main():
    maestro = BotMaestroSDK.from_sys_args()
    execution = maestro.get_execution()

    # Implementing here the logic to process the items
    bot = DesktopBot()

    # The items can be any entity related to your automation process
    items = []
    processed_items = 0
    failed_items = 0

    # You can use the logic that is necessary to consume, process, and count the items
    for item in items:
            # Process the item...

            # Counting as an item processed successfully

        except Exception:
            # Counting as an item processed with failure

    # At the end, simply report the data of the processed items when finishing the task
        message="Task Finished OK.",
        total_items=len(items), # Total number of items processed
        processed_items=processed_items, # Number of items processed successfully
        failed_items=failed_items # Number of items processed with failure

def not_found(label):
    print(f"Element not found: {label}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.BotExecutor;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.BotMaestroSDK;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.model.AutomationTask.FinishStatus;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.runner.BotExecution;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.runner.RunnableAgent;

public class FirstBot extends DesktopBot implements RunnableAgent
    public FirstBot() {
        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {

    public void action(BotExecution botExecution) {

        try {
            BotMaestroSDK maestro = new BotMaestroSDK();

            // The items can be any entity related to your automation process
            List<Object> items = new ArrayList<Object>();
            int processedItems = 0;
            int failedItems = 0;

            // You can use the logic that is necessary to consume, process, and count the items
            for(Object item : items){
                    // Process the item...

                    // Counting as an item processed successfully
                catch(Exception e){
                    // Counting as an item processed with failure

            // At the end, simply report the data of the processed items when finishing the task
                "Task Finished OK.",
                items.size(), // Total number of items processed
                processedItems, // Number of items processed successfully
                failedItems // Number of items processed with failure

        } catch(Exception e) {

    private void notFound(String label) {
        System.out.println("Element not found: "+label);

    public static void main(String[] args) { FirstBot(), args);
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.AutomationTask;
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.Execution;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace FirstBot
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            BotMaestroSDK maestro = BotMaestroSDK.FromSysArgs();
            Execution execution = await maestro.GetExecutionAsync(maestro.GetTaskId());

            Console.WriteLine("Task ID is: " + execution.TaskId);
            Console.WriteLine("Task Parameters are: " + string.Join(", ", execution.Parameters));

            // The items can be any entity related to your automation process
            string[] items;
            int processedItems = 0;
            int failedItems = 0;

            // You can use the logic that is necessary to consume, process, and count the items
            foreach (string item in items) 
                try {
                    // Process the item...

                    // Counting as an item processed successfully

                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // Counting as an item processed with failure

            // At the end, simply report the data of the processed items when finishing the task
            await maestro.FinishTaskAsync(
                "Task Finished OK.",
                items.Length, // Total number of items processed
                processedItems, // Number of items processed successfully
                failedItems // Number of items processed with failure


No es obligatorio utilizar una estructura de código específica en tu proceso de automatización.

Tienes total libertad para definir la lógica que se utilizará y también la forma en que se contabilizarán los elementos.

Al final, simplemente reporta estos datos utilizando el método finish_task del SDK de Maestro.