Go to CredentialsWe know it's not good practice to expose sensitive data in code. Here under credentials, you can add this restricted data used in your automation, like passwords, logins, and email, or any data restricted as below:
Create credentials storage¶
To add a new credential, you must define a label for this storage and add each secret, informing a key and a value.
Explore the to get code examples that facilitate credential manipulations, access and learn how to create simples credential and get credential via code.
The generated snippets are available in languages Python, Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript.
How to use credentials with Maestro SDK¶
You can easily manipulate credentials using the Maestro SDK in your automation code.
If you don't have the dependency installed yet, just follow these instructions:
In addition to installing, remember to include the dependency in the bot's requirements.txt
<!-- Your other dependencies -->
Importing the SDK¶
After installation, import the dependency and instantiate the Maestro SDK:
# Import for integration with BotCity Maestro SDK
from botcity.maestro import *
# Disable errors if we are not connected to Maestro
# Instantiating the Maestro SDK
maestro = BotMaestroSDK.from_sys_args()
# Fetching the details of the current task being executed
execution = maestro.get_execution()
// Import for integration with BotCity Maestro SDK
const { BotMaestroSdk } = require('@botcity/botcity-maestro-sdk')
// Getting parameters passed by Runner
const args = process.argv.slice(2)
const [server, taskid, token] = args
// Login with information from the Dev. Environment page
const maestro = new BotMaestroSdk()
// Fetching the details of the current task being executed
const executionTask = await maestro.getTask(taskid)
// Import for integration with BotCity Maestro SDK
import { BotMaestroSdk } from '@botcity/botcity-maestro-sdk'
// Getting parameters passed by Runner
const args = process.argv.slice(2)
const [server, taskid, token] = args
// Login with information from the Dev. Environment page
const maestro: BotMaestroSdk = new BotMaestroSdk()
// Fetching the details of the current task being executed
const executionTask: Task = await maestro.getTask(taskid)
// Import for integration with BotCity Maestro SDK
using Dev.BotCity;
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.Execution;
// Instantiating the Maestro SDK
BotMaestroSDK maestro = BotMaestroSDK.FromSysArgs();
// Fetching the details of the current task being executed
Execution execution = await maestro.GetExecutionAsync(maestro.GetTaskId());
Getting credentials¶
Complete code¶
from botcity.core import DesktopBot
from botcity.maestro import *
# Disable errors if we are not connected to Maestro
def main():
maestro = BotMaestroSDK.from_sys_args()
execution = maestro.get_execution()
# Accessing credentials in the Maestro
credential = maestro.get_credential(label="Credential Test", key="password")
bot = DesktopBot()
# Implement here your logic...
def not_found(label):
print(f"Element not found: {label}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.BotExecutor;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.BotMaestroSDK;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.model.AlertType;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.runner.BotExecution;
import dev.botcity.maestro_sdk.runner.RunnableAgent;
public class FirstBot extends DesktopBot implements RunnableAgent
public FirstBot() {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
public void action(BotExecution botExecution) {
try {
BotMaestroSDK maestro = new BotMaestroSDK();
// Accessing credentials in the Maestro
String credential = maestro.getCredential("Credential Test", "password");
// Implement here your logic...
} catch(Exception e) {
private void notFound(String label) {
System.out.println("Element not found: "+label);
public static void main(String[] args) { FirstBot(), args);
const main = async () => {
const { BotMaestroSdk } = require('@botcity/botcity-maestro-sdk')
const args = process.argv.slice(2)
const [server, taskid, token] = args
const maestro = new BotMaestroSdk()
const executionTask = await maestro.getTask(taskid)
// Accessing credentials in the Maestro
const credential = await maestro.getCredential("Credential Test", "password")
const main = async () => {
import { BotMaestroSdk } from '@botcity/botcity-maestro-sdk'
const args = process.argv.slice(2)
const [server, taskid, token] = args
const maestro: BotMaestroSdk = new BotMaestroSdk()
const executionTask: Task = await maestro.getTask(taskid)
// Accessing credentials in the Maestro
const credential: string = await maestro.getCredential("Credential Test", "password")
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.AutomationTask;
using Dev.BotCity.MaestroSdk.Model.Execution;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FirstBot
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
BotMaestroSDK maestro = BotMaestroSDK.FromSysArgs();
Execution execution = await maestro.GetExecutionAsync(maestro.GetTaskId());
Console.WriteLine("Task ID is: " + execution.TaskId);
Console.WriteLine("Task Parameters are: " + string.Join(", ", execution.Parameters));
// Accessing credentials in the Maestro
string credential = await maestro.GetCredentialAsync("Credential Test", "password");
// Implement here your logic...
Look at the other operations we can do with credentials using the BotCity Maestro SDK.